CJ1 – So What Does Environment Mean Anyway?

For my first creative journal, I chose to draw a word picture using the word environment. Throughout the picture, I included drawings of things that I think of when I hear that word. As you may have already noticed, the second n in “environment” is missing. I realized after I had already completed the drawing that I spelled the word wrong (don’t worry my major isn’t English). Although this was completely unintentional I found it to be quite metaphorical. Often we as humans can be so focused on the task at hand that we forget to take in the big picture around us. 

Creative Journal #1

The letter T in my drawing is a tree with a bird which reminds me of walking through Narrow Hills Provincial Park and listening to the birds sing. A specific time that I always feel connected to the environment is when I go to my stepdads cabin at Narrow Hills. My time at the cabin consists of walking through the trails, swimming in the lake, and sitting by the campfire. 

Image may contain: plant, tree, outdoor and nature

One of the trails at Narrow Hills

In the park, there is no cell phone reception so you are completely unplugged. There I really get to focus on mindfulness and truly breathe in my surroundings more than any other place I have been. Although I believe technology has many great purposes I also think it is important to teach students how to detach themselves from their devices. In Braiding Sweetgrass, Robin Kimmerer writes about how much there is to learn from the land as long as we, as students, are mindful and that is what I believe part of environmental education is: Learning to be mindful and how to influence our students to do the same.

1 thought on “CJ1 – So What Does Environment Mean Anyway?

  1. Alex,
    I really liked your creative journal, it was really creative and colorful (and your honesty about your spelling error was very relatable). How does the the environment make you feel? What do your senses say to you when your in the environment? I liked what you said about being mindful in the environment and not using technology. Staying off our phones when we’re out in nature is important to be able to let the environment be the best teacher it can be.


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